November 2017

This year the goal of the NP was to make a new video each day. Each day a new stairway in a building or parking structure was identified and that day's video traces my steps to the highest level and back down. In theory it sounds rather simple and mundane, however as has been the usual case with the NP advance permission was not obtained and in a few cases presented a problem. Actually, the owners or security personnel of 3 or 4 buildings denied access "for security reasons" or because "their building is a private building." However, in some buildings, where I should have submitted official paperwork weeks in advance, I was granted access by generous individuals who support the arts. My intention for this project was to portray the repetitious and Sisyphean character of everyday life. Each day we go up or down only to go back to where we began. I do not wish to identify each stairway by the name of the building because that is not the point. The point is the variety and similarity found each day and the fact that the activity of walking up and down stairways is not something normally characterized as art. Please click link below to see the video.

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