November 1989


The November Project began in the Fall of 1989. For the first year of this project I drove every November day at dawn to the Des Plaines River Park in Lake Forest, Illinois and took one photograph using black and white film in a 4 x 5" large format camera. Each day I photographed something else, either the river, the trees, the sky or some combination of the three. I did not know then that I would continue the project for ten more years (1990-1998) and (2012).

It may seem strange that there was a thirteen year period between the first ten years of the November Project and the eleventh year in 2012. The only explanation that I can offer is a quote from a book that I read in the summer of 1994 titled Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman, "In a world where time cannot be measured, there are no clocks, no calendars, no definite appointments. Events are triggered by other events, not time."

The project was originally intended to be ten years only and I did not decide to add an eleventh year until the summer of 2012. The fact that there are now eleven variations of the eleventh month is an intruging thought. Should there be a twelfth November, a whole year of Novembers?

When I started this project I did not know if I could complete the task of taking a photograph everyday for a month straight. The same has been true for each of the following years. Maybe 2013 will be the twelfth year of the November Project.


Carp Rising

White-tail six point

Dog chasing deer

Down on bank

Looking the other way

Cement slab


Tree on ground

Sunset and river

Shadows and tall trees

The moon over bridge

Leaves with curving tree upwards

Waving trees in water

Fluttering leaves at edge of path (it's cold)

The embankment



Ice on pond

three trees

                                       23rd Holiday

                                       24th Holiday

                                       25th Holiday

                                       26th Holiday

Wet branches

Reach for the best

Mist and reflection

The tree

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