November 1994

The November Project in 1994 started out in Chicago and after a few days moves to Michigan. As can be seen in several photographs many were taken using the small Agfa camera that I also used in 1992. Back in Michigan the series is divided by a trip to Grayling, MI. Six of the Michigan photographs include a wooden sculpture of a hunter with a dog on a leash by a German artist who I never met. The sculpture was a gift from a relative who brought several of this artist's sculptures to Michigan in the 1980s. I often contemplated this man's relationship to art and compared it to my own.

At this time I was also asking myself "What is worth being photographed?" and decided that I do not have to know the answer. So I said "Whatever is right in front of you is worth just as much as anything else." From that point on most photographs were taken either in my home interior or of a view out one of my windows.


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